Bone Point’s Salty Gunner Mac

Bone Point’s Salty Gunner Mac

Gunner is an exceptional german wirehair in every respect. While hunting in the uplands, he displays a fast, wide-ranging field search. For us, this has become a much-appreciated attribute, especially when the conditions are tough or birds are scarce, as he has the ability to keep pushing out to find birds when most other dogs lose interest. In addition to his impressive field search, he points his birds with style and demonstrates a keen ability to stand his birds at a distance. Gunner hits the water like a freight train and if necessary will break ice on late season waterfowl retrieves. When training for the duck search, he displayed the ability to consistently perform at a high level by expanding to cover most, if not all, of the water presented to him. Given this, it was no surprise to us that he earned a 4 in Duck Search at his NAVHDA Utility Test.  During his first year alone he had over a hundred ducks shot over him, and he exceeded our expectations in his ability and willingness to retrieve in sometimes harsh conditions at such a young age. At home he has a great off switch. In fact, he sometimes thinks he is a lap dog as he cuddles with our kids.

Gunner’s Pedigree

Studs are available for breeding to approved females.